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균열을 막다 영어로


영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • calk
  • caulk
  • 막다    막다1 [닫다] close; shut; [채우다] stop up
  • 균열    균열 [龜裂]1 (물체의) a crevice; a chap; a crack; a fissure; a cleft; a crevasse(빙하 등의). 지면의 ~ a crack[fissure] in the ground. 지진에 의한 도로의 ~ the cracks in the road made by the earthquake. 땅에 ~이 생겼다 The grou
  • 막다    막다1 [닫다] close; shut; [채우다] stop up ; fill (up) ; fill (up) ; clog ; block (up). 병 아가리를 ~ stop (up)[seal] a bottle. 쥐구멍을 ~ stop up a rathole. 귀를 ~ wad[fill / stop / stuff] one's ears / place one's
  • 균열되다    be cracked
  • 균열하다    split; cleave; crack; fracture
  • 열을 내는    radiant
  • 열을 내다    air temperature; temperature; warmness; heat; pilot balloon observation; radiosonde; terraforming
  • 끝막다    끝막다 =마감하다 (☞ 마감).
  • 를 막다    groan down
  • 막다른    dead end
  • 막다름    dead end
  • 밀막다    밀막다 refuse on the excuse of[that ‥]; refuse under a pretense; decline on the pretext . 그녀는 할 일이 있다고 그 제의를 밀막았다 She refused the offer on the excuse that she had work to do.
  • 받아 막다    stop
  • 숨을 막다    drown; stifle
  • 입을 막다    obturate; quench; gag
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